Iván Martínez Hulin (Málaga, 1976) is a writer specializing in contemporary fiction apart from other types of literature.
He is an Accountant and an expert in Business Management. He has dedicated himself exclusively to his first love, literature, for fifteen years. This dedication is what has enabled him to have a considerable literary background.
In 1994 he finished his first book: An Island Called Utopia. Since then, he has written more than seven novels, some of which has not been published as yet.
In the beginning of 1995 he joined the Associated Press and Youth Radio in Malaga, where he had his first contact with the independent press acting as editor and promoter for the magazine The Juggler (1997-1998) and on the radio as editor and newsreader, in addition to running the programme Madrugada Malacitana.
The following year, well into 1996, he wrote articles for relevant newspapers in Spain.
He was a finalist in several literary contests, and he came third in the Competition Stories of the Law School of Malaga (2002).
He has participated in graphic novel scripts. He contributed with articles in Negative Zone (website dedicated to the world of the Ninth Art), articles in Panini Comic publications (responsible for the European edition of Marvel Entertainment comics), and has worked alongside with musical composers writing the words for a number of songs.
He is academic (letter I) and he has been vice president of the Academy of Arts and Letters, Santa María de la Victoria.
After working as the Director for the Editorial and Advertising agency Mar Creativos , he concentrated exclusively on writing books.
In this field he has published two books with Aladena Editorial: Diary of a Hunter - Descent (2008), which has been chosen by the Ministry of Education for the Reading Travelling Project of ARCE, and The Flight of the Swan (2009), selected as the best novel in 2010 by several book clubs.
In 2014 An Island Called Utopia will be published.
All this goes to show his creative interest in the literary world.